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Greek CommunityCommunity OrganizationsHistoric Upstate AHEPA District 6 Chapter Reactivated in Buffalo, NY

Historic Upstate AHEPA District 6 Chapter Reactivated in Buffalo, NY

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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By Chris Pappis, AHEPA D6 Secretary

Over the last few years, AHEPA has spread its membership wings throughout the Empire State, inspiring Hellenism and Brotherhood. The historic William McKinley AHEPA Chapter 91 of Buffalo, NY established on January 15, 1926 was reactivated at the AHEPA Cheektowaga 67-II Apartments on Saturday, October 24, 2020.

The impressive ceremony is part of a district wide blueprint to spread the AHEPA logo in every community throughout the state. The goals from the very beginning were ambitious, but the enthusiastic and aggressive way in which the district leadership approached this challenge has more than borne out results. There were several members in attendance from the AHEPA Supreme Lodge including Supreme President George Horiates, Vice President Jimmy Kokotas and Region 3 Supreme Governor Tom Dushas. We were also joined by President of AHEPA Canada, Christos Argiriou.

In addition, the chapter also welcomed AHEPA District 6 Governor Lou Katsos, Lt. Governor Dean Moskos, Secretary Chris Pappis, District 6 Director of Membership & Events Argyris Argitakos, District 6 Director of Housing Dennis Kiriazides, Past Supreme Treasurer Mike Papapanu, and Rev. Dr. Christos Christakis who is the parish priest of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Buffalo.

Congratulations William McKinley AHEPA Chapter 91 and President Steve Eoannou. May you enjoy years of success, health and happiness, as the AHEPA brand journeys to its 100th Anniversary in 2022.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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