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GreeceCultureInternational Micro μ Festival: A 'live' film festival in nine cities

International Micro μ Festival: A ‘live’ film festival in nine cities

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The International Micro µ Festival, keeping its annual appointment with audiences, is returning to cinemas for the twelfth year this month. From October 13 to October 16, the film festival will be held simultaneously in Athens, Thessaloniki, Rhodes, Heraklion, Xanthi, Veria, Ptolemaida, Copenhagen and Paris.

The main event of IMμF 2022, its “live” Greek competition part, will be screened on Saturday, October 15, simultaneously in nine cities in Greece and abroad, inviting the public to watch the 15 short films by Greek film makers and vote for their favourite.
On the remaining days, viewers in some of the cities of this year’s network will have the opportunity to enjoy and choose their favourite Student Greek film in the student competition, which is being organised for the second year, and naturally the European “short” films being shown for the first time in Greece in the established international section of the festival, as well as a series of video art screenings, based on Greek poetry with the title “BREATHS”.

The Awards that will be given to the winners of the Competition and the Student will have a total value of more than € 4,000 and aim to facilitate the next productions of the filmmakers who will be selected through public voting.
More information at the following links:

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