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GreeceBusinessIPTO head: We are now starting construction on Greece-Cyprus-Israel power interconnector

IPTO head: We are now starting construction on Greece-Cyprus-Israel power interconnector

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The electricity interconnection of Greece-Cyprus-Israel is now entering the construction phase, implemented through a newly established special purpose company, ‘Great Sea Interconnector’, a subsidiary of the Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO), IPTO President and CEO Manos Manousakis said in Dubai on Monday.

Manoussakis made the statements at the Ministry of Environment and Energy’s pavilion at the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28), during a special event.

The discussion, which focused on the importance of cross-border interconnections for the energy transition and the challenges faced by this critical infrastructure, was attended by Tinne Van der Straeten, Minister of Energy of Belgium (the country that will take over the EU Presidency on 1 January); Alexandra Sdoukou, Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy of Greece; Antonella Battaglini, CEO of the Renewable Grid Initiative; Ioannis Karydas, CEO of ELICA Group; and Roland Roesch, Director of the IRENA Innovation and Technology Center.

In the framework of the IPTO presentation and of the major international interconnection projects it has launched, Manousakis said that IPTo is the new project implementation agency, having succeeded EuroAsia Interconnector, which brought the project to the point of maturity it is at today.


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