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GreeceItaly, Greece must not be left alone, Scholz says

Italy, Greece must not be left alone, Scholz says

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, on the occasion of his meeting today with the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in Rome, gave an exclusive interview to the Milan newspaper “Corriere della Sera”, in which he referred, among other issues, to migration and the main challenges of international policy.

“First of all, Italy, Greece and the other Mediterranean countries are facing a huge challenge, because the number of refugees arriving at their borders is increasing. We cannot leave Italy and the other countries unaided, but we must adopt an approach based on solidarity and a sense of responsibility,” the German chancellor underlined.

Germany has also been affected by secondary migration.

He added: “Last year over a million men and women from Ukraine found protection in our country and, at the same time, another 230,000 refugees from other countries came to Germany, even though we have no external borders of the Union. For this reason, we need a solidarity distribution, with a sense of responsibility and knowledge on the part of the EU member-states. We also need respect for the various rules that concern anyone who seeks protection, with reference to the procedures for granting asylum and integration in the countries of the Union.”


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