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GreeceJan.-May Athens hotel bookings register drop compared to 2019, hoteliers association says

Jan.-May Athens hotel bookings register drop compared to 2019, hoteliers association says

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Despite several optimistic outlooks and a visible-to-all rise in incoming tourist flows to Athens, the first five months of 2022 posted a 26.8% drop in capacity and a simultaneous 25.8% drop in revenue per available room (RevPAR), compared to the same five months in 2019, the Athens, Attica & Argosaronic Hotel Association said on Monday.

The only positive indication was a small rise in the average room rate (1.4%), compared to January-May period in 2019, the hoteliers added.

May was the best month of all five (Jan.-May), the Association said, as it managed to bridge most of the gap between the 2019 and 2022 returns in the above indexes. In May, the average room price improved slightly and average capacity reached 82.1% in Athens; but the capacity was 6.9% lower than that of May 2019.

Compared to its competitor cities abroad – Barcelona, Madrid, Istanbul, Rome, Paris, London, Vienna and Munich – their capacity rate rose visibly in Jan.-May 2022 and their prices boosted impressively, the hoteliers of Athens and Attica said. As an example, Paris reached 61.9% capacity and an average daily room revenue (ADR) of 249.47 euros, respectively; Rome 54% and 165.97 euros; Barcelona 61.4% and 136.62 euros; Madrid 60.2% and 122.58 euros; Istanbul 66.8% and 104.98 euros; and Athens 52.6% capacity and ADR 98.07 euros.

In terms of ADR in 2022 compared with that of 2021, the increases in competitor cities during Jan.-May ranged as follows: from 36.6% (Vienna) and 39.2% (Istanbul) to 119% (London), in contrast with Athens, where the ADR rose marginally by 12.6%.

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