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GreeceCultureJewish inscriptions exhibition opens in two museums

Jewish inscriptions exhibition opens in two museums

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The inauguration of the exhibition “Stone Routes – Stories from Stone: Jewish Inscriptions in Greece” was held on Tuesday at the Jewish Museum of Greece and the Epigraphic Museum. The exhibition presents, for the first time, archaeological findings that document the presence of Jews in Greece since the end of the 4th century.

The inauguration of the exhibition in the Jewish Museum of Greece and then at the Epigraphic Museum, was held in the presence of Culture Minister Lina Mendoni, who addressed a short greeting, as well as the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Ernst Reichel.

The exhibition, supported by the culture ministry, the foreign ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Hellenic-German Fund for the Future, is characterised by an innovative dual structure and originality.

The first and main part is presented at the Epigraphic Museum, which houses unique Jewish epigraphic items from the collections of museums and services of the culture ministry. With the help of surveillance and digital material, all aspects of the social, religious, political and cultural life of the Jews and their local communities in Athens, Mystras and throughout Greece from antiquity to Ottoman rule are presented.

The second part is presented at the Jewish Museum entitled “Art of Memory and Remembrance.” It is curated by Victor Cohen and combines the past with the present through the “dialogue” of 10 ancient inscriptions and objects with an equal number of works of contemporary art.

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