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GreeceKikilias forecasts that 2023 will be a very strong year for tourism

Kikilias forecasts that 2023 will be a very strong year for tourism

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias on Thursday predicted that 2023 will be a very strong year for Greek tourism. The minister was addressing the 12th Panhellenic Conference of the Association for Professional and Conference Tourism, entitled “Meetings in Greece: The Game Changer”, organised by HAPCO & DES (Hellenic Association of Professional Congress Organizers & Destination Events Specialists).

After pointing out that Greek tourism is the most powerful pillar of the Greek economy and without it the country would not have growth, he stressed the importance of business and conference tourism, saying it is an important sector that can contribute significantly to tourism revenues.

Responding to the organisers’ requests for the construction of, among other things, a conference centre in Athens, Kikilias noted that he has put the proposal to the Greek government, estimating that there will be a positive outcome. Regarding the implementation of a registry of conference events, the minister noted that the digital registry will help in planning the necessary actions to strengthen business-conference tourism.


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