Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kotrotsios,
I would like to express my gratitude for your interest in Prof. Tsounis’ article on my interview to the American-Hellenic Center for Health and Wellbeing and my many thanks for the honor of publishing it. This way you also contribute to the scope of the psychology virtual program of this center, which I and Prof. Tsounis share with the center’s founder, Ms. Avgi Atmatzidis, journalist and psychoanalyst, to sensitize the Greek-American community to pivotal issues such as the psychological impact of the pandemic and how to develop resilience and coping strategies to bring back hope and stability to our community and continue making a progress and leave a legacy to the next generations of Greek-Americans.
I cordially wish you a prosperous and joyous New Year and best wishes for your newspaper and your family.
All the Best,
Alexander Colombos
Woodside, NY