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GreeceLIBE's mission to Greece is 'inappropriate' in the wake of the train...

LIBE’s mission to Greece is ‘inappropriate’ in the wake of the train tragedy say Weber and Lenaers

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Following the horrific train accident in Greece, the European People’s Party (EPP) parliamentary group has decided not to participate in the mission of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) starting on Monday. “It is inappropriate and insensitive,” said the head of the EPP parliamentary group Manfred Weber and the coordinator of LIBE, Jeroen Lenaers.

An unspeakable tragedy occurred in Greece last week, as they pointed out. “The country is in shock. The Greek people are mourning a great loss. These are not the conditions to organise an EP mission that could easily be postponed to a later date,” underlined Manfred Weber.

The EPP parliamentary group asked that the mission to be postponed after the Greek authorities requested that (the mission) be reconsidered. “It is extremely disappointing that left-wing groups are so blinded by their dislike of certain governments that they ignore the basic level of respect and humanity,” added Jeroen Lenaers.

“The only delegation that Parliament should send after this tragedy is to show our respect to the families of the victims and to offer our support to the Greek authorities,” the EPP parliamentary group members said.


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