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Food and TravelMemories of Greece: Architect Papatheodorou Byzantine Agia Fotini Church

Memories of Greece: Architect Papatheodorou Byzantine Agia Fotini Church

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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By Catherine Tsounis

“The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.” – Frank Lloyd Wright1

Architect Kostas Papatheodorou created Agia Fotini church in the late 70”s. His parents are from the Arcadian village of Atsiholos. Unique, creating a church with Byzantine Christian and classical Greek elements, it stands out on a plain where the ancient city of Mantinea was located. No cement was used during the building process, only natural materials such as stone, marble, wood, and tiles. The church reflects his soul.2

Agia Fotini church, exterior and interior. Photo by Catherine Tsounis

Dr. Ioannis Siolas said “The architect of our home in Paleopyrgos is Kostas Papatheodorou. It is a two-story, traditional house with a spectacular view of the Arcadian landscape. Inspiring, that helps people find inner peace with nature and God. Architect Papatheodorou wanted me to put Greek columns at the entrance of our home. He is a genius.” I was very impressed with the creation of this home, as a real estate broker who enjoys renovating homes for my family. Mr. Papatheodorou, unknown to many, followed Arcadian architecture.

“Popular Arcadian Architecture,” is a marriage of stone and wood. The use of metal elements is restricted to nails. Stone used is from the land and surrounding area, from Mainalon and Parnonas mountains. The type of stone is freestone, with minimum or no treatment. Cutstone is used to shape the corners of buildings and the frames of openings.3

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Agia Fotini church, exterior and interior. Photo by Catherine Tsounis

No cement was used during the Agia Fotini building process, only natural materials such as stone, marble, wood, and tiles. The architect wanted to convey through Agia Fotini a philanthropic aspect, in other words, “the love for our fellow human. Which means to love god first… and in order to be able to love god, we must become very small and through this humility to understand his true size.”4 I have seen Agia Fotini several times. Every time I observe something different. Architect Kostas Papatheodorou created the soul of his civilization in his style.




3. Province of Arcadia. Arcadia: Architecture & Tradition, Tripolis, pp. 3-15.


Agia Fotini church, exterior and interior. Photo by Catherine Tsounis


Agia Fotini church, exterior and interior. Photo by Catherine Tsounis

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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