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Greek Community New York, District 6, Recognized as AHEPA's top National District

 New York, District 6, Recognized as AHEPA’s top National District

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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[Atlantic City, NJ] — District 6, frequently described as the Empire State, was awarded the nation’s top AHEPA District at last week’s National Convention in Atlantic City. The award was presented by Supreme President Carl Hollister in recognition for the Districts extraordinary performance during the 2017-2018 fraternal season. The Empire State, again led the nation in membership, but its contribution to AHEPA’s core national projects, including St. Nicholas at Ground Zero, OXI Day, Saint Basil’s Academy, the Greek Parade and the establishment and re-activation of chapters played a significant role in AHEPA’s selection of the Empire State. In addition, District Governor Ted Stamas and his Lodge along with Supreme Regional Governor Tom Dushas along with strong and creative leadership at the chapter level further influenced AHEPA’s selection. The AHEPA Brand lifted Hellenism to new and exciting prominence in the Empire State, a very proud achievement reflecting the commitment of approximately 1,500 members to the Order of AHEPA.

Photo Caption: Left to Right: John Ragoussis, John Levas, Argyris Argitakos, PDG Mike Papaphotes, Antonios Stamos, Paul Macropoulos, George Pappis, Secretary Chris Pappis, Supreme President Carl Hollister, District Governor Demi Pamboukes, Ted Malgarinos, Supreme Secretary Jimmy Kokotas, Petros Ragoussis, and Anastasios Stampolis

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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