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GreeceCulturePanteion, Columbia Universities collaborate on first Chinese studies program in Greece

Panteion, Columbia Universities collaborate on first Chinese studies program in Greece

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Columbia University’s Weatherhead East Asian Institute (WEAI) and Panteion University’s Institute of International Relations (IDIS) signed a memorandum of collaboration earlier on Friday, in the presence of US Ambassador to Greece George Tsunis.

The purpose of the memorandum was to boost the relations between the two Institutes that specialize in International Relations, and to do so specifically for Chinese studies.

Panteion University Rector Christina Koulouri said, “Through this memorandum, the first Chinese studies program is introduced in Greece.” Collaborations could include research and publication as well, she said.

Columbia Political Science professor Andy Nathan said that there are a lot of opportunities of collaboration, especially in research, and noted that Greece does not have an independent center for Chinese studies. This is important to exist, and the program represents academic freedom.

Such opportunities support education, common values, and the principles of democracy, added Ambassador Tsunis.

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The program will be included under Panteion University’s International and European Studies department.


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