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GreeceBusinessPapathanassis signs decision to include GNTO's digital transformation in the RRF-financed projects

Papathanassis signs decision to include GNTO’s digital transformation in the RRF-financed projects

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Alternate National Economy and Finance Minister Nikos Papathanassis on Friday signed a decision for the inclusion of the “Digital transformation of the Greek National Tourism Organisation (GNTO)” in the projects financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund.

The project has a total budget of 10,185,732 euros and concerns the development of an innovative tourist information system via the creation of the digital platform “my digital tourism”.

Specifically, the project foresees the creation of:

– A digital tourism map, a data base that will include the entire tourism product of Greece by mapping all the special characteristics of existing and potential tourism destinations in every region of Greece via the internet and mobile phones in six languages.
– A digital interaction museum of tourism wth digital thematic routes
– An innovative tourist information system based on Artificial Intelligence with real time information, also in six languages.
– The transfer of the data and operations of the existing Tourism Enterprises Register to the new platform.
The main goal of the project is to further increase competition, enhance entrepreneurship and investments, improve the infrastructure and culture, as well as a wider promotion of the image and unique identity of every region of the country.


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