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Food and TravelParga, Greece: A Place to Remember

Parga, Greece: A Place to Remember

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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By Catherine Tsounis

We visited Parga, in the Epirus region of Western Greece, on our way back from Corfu. The sandy beach had clear blue waters. was pristine, and there were plenty of activities for tourists. A local tour train takes visitors to Ali Pasha’s castle, the water mill area, a waterfall, and offers views of the Parga region every day.

Restaurants offer Greek cuisine with this spectacular view. Photo by Catherine Tsounis

Most of the tourists were from the Balkans, with only a few Americans. From the beach, you can enjoy a stunning view of rock formations rising from the sea. Restaurants in the area serve delicious Greek cuisine with this breathtaking view as the backdrop.

Parga train schedule. Photo by Catherine Tsounis

My memory of Parga comes from Dionysios Tsokos’ 1846 painting, The Flight from Parga, which is displayed at the National Gallery of Athens. The painting shows a boat in a rough sea, led by a captain. Onboard are everyday people—young, middle-aged, and old—wearing traditional Greek clothes. A priest holds an icon and a cross. The image reflects the sadness of losing one’s homeland and finding comfort only in faith. Parga, in the Epirus region, is a stunning place that tourists in Greece should visit.

Dionysios Tsokos,“The Flight from Parga” (1847) in the National Gallery of Athens. Photo by Catherine Tsounis

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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