Opposition parties criticized the government on Thursday over the long lines outside the Athens offices of the Hellenic Cadastre, where property owners formed long lines to settle property ownership issues.
Main opposition party SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance called the long lines shown on media “unacceptable” and cited reports that some people had to wait up to 12 hours to get an admission ticket before being served. “The problem is not a new one,” the party said. “Lawyers, notaries, and court officials highlighted the issue months ago, but their appeals have fallen on deaf ears.” The party accused the government of indifference, while it added that understaffing and delays in digitization have made the problem worse.
PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) called transactions of the public with the Athens Cadastre offices “an Odyssey” and the waiting lines “shameful”. It said that “lawyers, notaries, and citizens are forced to wait in line from midnight to the next morning in order to be served,” proof it said of “the complete failure of the much-promoted digital governance of New Democracy.” Despite the fact the government advertises the registration and transfer of real estate is easily done online (“with one click”), the reality is that many individuals and professionals have to go through a hassle.
The Hellenic Cadastre was set up to register property in Greece and to facilitate transfer of ownership. As of 2021, it is supervised by the Ministry of Digital Governance.
Gov’t statement
In a statement related to the Cadastre on Thursday, the e-Governance ministry noted that 70% of all Cadastre entries relate to property contracts, which as of July 25 can be uploaded online by property owners themselves (at ktimatologio.gov.gr) or with the help of bar and notary associations.
It added that a new platform providing waiting tickets electronically is in the final stages of trial, and will do away with waiting in line. A property owner will be able to use it through a smart phone app, it said. Expanding services and hiring more people are also one part of the ministry’s goals, it added.