On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 the Piscataway AHEPA and DOP Chapters held their combined Annual Christmas Dinner followed by Christmas caroling and delicious homemade, festive desserts and refreshments.
This much looked forward to and well attended annual event was enjoyed by everyone. The fabulous dinner was prepared by chapter master chefs Brother George Athanasopoulos and Brother Nick Kumarianos.
Many thanks to AHEPA Chapter President Brother John Millas and Chapter Officers and to the DOP Chapter Officers for organizing such a wonderful event.
Also many thanks for their gracious and warm hospitality and for inviting the AHEPA District 5 Lodge, which I was honored and privileged to represent on behalf of AHEPA District Governor Brother Asteris Fanikos who attended and represented the District Lodge at the well-attended and enjoyable Annual Trenton AHEPA Christmas Party on the same evening at the St. George Community Center in Hamilton, NJ.
Merry Christmas and best wishes to everyone and their family for a Blessed and Merry Christmas, and a happy and healthy New Year to all!
George N. Petrakakis
AHEPA District 5 Lt. Governor
“As goes 5, goes the nation”