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GreecePM Mitsotakis: Albania's EU prospects depend on respecting the rights of its...

PM Mitsotakis: Albania’s EU prospects depend on respecting the rights of its ethnic Greek minority

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the Athens suburb of Zografou on Monday, where he sent a stern message that Albania’s European prospects are entirely dependent on it respecting the rights of the Greek ethnic minority in that country.

“I am was very pleased to hear that Fredi Beleris won the municipal elections in Himare,” he said, expressing hope that the problems facing the ethnic Greek candidate will soon be over.

Mitsotakis also referred to Greek-Turkish relations, stating that he does not wish to make any remark while the runoff elections in Türkiye are pending. He added, however, that his government was the one which had dealt with Turkish aggressiveness and invested in the Armed Forces, building alliances and turning Greek-Turkish issues into EU-Turkey issues.

“This policy should continue the next day,” he added. Expressing hope that things in Türkiye will improve, Mitsotakis noted that he should be the first to want this but that Greece must prepare for all possibilities, regardless.

On the national elections, the prime minister noted that “the path we have laid down for our country must be a road with no return”. Finally, he sent a message for the elections, stating that “the stronger New Democracy is on the night of May 21st, the more certain I will be that the next four years will again be a four-year term of New Democracy”.

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