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GreecePM Mitsotakis in Amaliada and Pyrgos: Let's speak about the future

PM Mitsotakis in Amaliada and Pyrgos: Let’s speak about the future

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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In the 16 days before elections, “I want to speak only about the future – we have a plan and a program,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said visiting Amaliada and Pyrgos, in NW Peloponnese, on Friday.

In comments during his campaign tour, Mitsotakis referred to the opposition and the TV debate of party leaders on May 10 and expressed the hope “they have the courage to debate policy commitments.”

The premier underlined the restart of the Patras-Pyrgos highway project that will also help reduce fatal road accidents as proof of fulfiling his government’s promises to the region, and spoke also about his commitment to raising salaries by 25%, if he wins a second four-year term.

For the latter in particular, he said he wanted the average monthly wages to rise to 1,500 euros and the minimum one to 950 euros, and noted that under his government the minimum wage had already risen from 650 euros to 780 euros a month. “Remember who cut your EKAS (special solidarity) bonus, who wrecked pensions. This ‘slaughter’ of pensioners has a name,” he told pensioners in his audience, naming former Labor & Social Insurance Minister Giorgos Katrougalos and SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras.


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