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GreecePM Mitsotakis meets Emir of Qatar; two bilateral agreements signed

PM Mitsotakis meets Emir of Qatar; two bilateral agreements signed

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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With the signature of two new bilateral agreements, including one on military cooperation, the meeting in Athens on Wednesday between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, sealed the further strengthening of relations between Qatar and Greece.

In statements, Mitsotakis referred to Greece’s significant progress as regards growth, and said the meeting will be an opportunity to discuss regional developments, particularly what is happening in the Middle East.

The Emir of Qatar, who was paying his first official visit to Greece, highlighted the opportunity offered by his visit to strengthen bilateral relations, especially with respect to the economy and investments, while welcoming the opportunity to discuss regional issues and especially what is happening in Gaza.

During the meetings and in talks between the delegations of the two sides, the mutual desire to strengthen relations between Greece and Qatar was confirmed and sealed with the signature of two agreements: one for military cooperation between the defence ministries of Greece and Qatar and a Memorandum of Cooperation for political deliberations on issues of mutual interest between the foreign ministries of the two countries.
There was also a discussion on enhancing cooperation in a series of sectors, such as the economy, investments, energy and culture.

The prime minister analysed a broad spectrum of investment opportunities offered by Greece due to its geostrategic position and its connections with the markets of the Balkans, Southeast Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea, as well as its initiatives to build new infrastructure, such as the FSRU of Alexandroupolis.

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On regional developments, Mitsotakis repeated the necessity of an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages, underlining his increasing concern over the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza. He also expressed his appreciation of Qatar’s role in the Gulf region and especially for the crisis in Gaza, saying that the good relations between Qatar and Greece help preserve stability in the region.

Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis, Defence Minister Nikos Dendias, Energy Minister Theodoros Skylakakis, Culture Minister Lina Mendoni, Shipping Minister Christos Stylianides and Deputy Foreign Minister for Openness Kostas Fragogiannis, the head of the prime minister’s diplomatic office Anna-Maria-Eleni Boura, the Greek ambassador to Qatar Ioannis Ioannidisand other officials participated in the talks.


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