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GreecePM Mitsotakis meets with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis

PM Mitsotakis meets with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis concluded a meeting with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis in Bucharest. Government sources said that the two top officials discussed their common will for the further broadening and deepening of bilateral relations, with a focus on the economy and energy. The two leaders agreed that there is great potential for enhancing cooperation.

The two countries’ shared perception of major European and international issues was also confirmed, while they exchanged views on the latest worrying developments in Ukraine.

No change in borders through violence can be tolerated, Mitsotakis says

Mitsotakis later visited the Greek Embassy in Bucharest, where he spoke with the board of the Greek-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and, referring to Ukraine, stressed that no change of borders through violence can be tolerated

“I am particularly glad to be here again during a crucial, a difficult geopolitical conjunction,” he said, adding that he decided to complete the trip as it gave him an opportunity to discuss with Romanian authorities the ways that “we can react in common to the Russian provocations…”

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The prime minister said that Greece and Romania are linked by historical, political and cultural ties, while Greece has a strong economic presence and an important place among Romania’s trade and investment partners. Recently, he added, the Greek business presence was constantly becoming stronger while there was also an increased Romanian business presence in Greece.

“We are interested in supporting the openness of Greek enterprises, of Greek capital, the Greek businesses that operate outside our country,” Mitsotakis said, while adding that a large Balkan market such as Romania was obviously of great interest to Greece. He also assured the members of the chamber of the Greek state’s support.

Government sources said that the volume of bilateral trade between Greece and Romania exceeded 2.0 billion euros for the first time in 2021, reaching 2.2 billion, while Greek capital invested in Romania exceeds 3.5 billion euros.

Before the meeting, Mitsotakis visited the Church of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, which serves as a chapel for the Greek Embassy and dates to the year 1899.
Accompanying the prime minister on his official visit to Romania are Environment and Energy Minister Kostas Skrekas, Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias, Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Christos Stylianides, Alternate Foreign Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis and Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy and Openness Kostas Fragogiannis.


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