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GreecePM Mitsotakis underlines Greece's role in Eastern Med-Europe energy corridor in meeting...

PM Mitsotakis underlines Greece’s role in Eastern Med-Europe energy corridor in meeting with Netanyahu

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis met in private with Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on the sidelines of the Greece, Cyprus, Israel Trilateral Summit.

During the meeting the two country leaders discussed the strengthening and deepening of the already excellent bilateral relations in a series of sectors including the defence, the economy, the tourism and the agrofarming sector. Special focus was given to the cooperation of the two countries in the civil protection and in the energy.

The prime minister underlined the key role of Greece in the energy corridor Eastern Mediterranean-Europe, both via the infrastructures it develops and via the interconnection between the Western Balkans and the Eastern Europe.


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