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GreeceCultureProjects of 50 million euros are underway in the Dodecanese islands, Mendoni...

Projects of 50 million euros are underway in the Dodecanese islands, Mendoni says

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Culture Minister Lina Mendoni is visiting Rhodes on Tuesday.

More specifically, she is going to visit the works being carried out at important cultural monuments of the island.

Mendoni referred to the good cooperation with the Dodecanese local administration and pointed out the important work carried out by the Ministry of Culture, both in Rhodes and in the other islands. As she revealed, projects are currently being carried out in the Dodecanese, with a budget of 50 million euros, with resources from the Recovery Fund.

She also expressed her satisfaction with the work done by the local archaeological services, pointing out that the Ministry of Culture continues the effort to return cultural goods to the public that are part of the history of the country.


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