St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Hamilton, NJ, hosted its 43rd Annual Greek Festival from May 17th through May 20th. The festival attracted over 5,000 visitors despite the inclement weather all weekend long. Festival volunteers worked tirelessly months in advance to make everything come together for their festival. Preparations included securing donations, preparation of authentic cuisine, decor, entertainment and several other additional tasks. “To every single person who is involved in the festival, whether you gave of your time, talent, treasure or any combination thereof, on behalf of St. George’s Parish Council, I wholeheartedly say thank you, thank you, thank you and God bless you,” said Dino Demetriou, Parish Council President.
St. George Greek Orthodox Church was founded in 1922 in Hamilton with a membership of forty families. Most of the families were from the islands of Andros and Chios in Greece. The parish now has over 400 parishioner households.
Last October, the parishioners celebrated the consecration of their church. “Our whole parish was overwhelmed with emotion in all facets of the community through the whole process. His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey ushering in the relics at the vespers, and presiding over the day of the consecration, the processions around the church, the sanctifying and cleansing of the alter, brought us together as a community in was that will always be part of us,” said Father James Pavlow.