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GreeceStrengthening of bilateral cooperation and Eastern Mediterranean developments to dominate Mitsotakis-Putin meeting

Strengthening of bilateral cooperation and Eastern Mediterranean developments to dominate Mitsotakis-Putin meeting

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Russian President Vladimir Putin are expected to meet on Wednesday in Sochi, Russia, in their first meeting since the election of the New Democracy government in July 2019. In a particularly critical period both in geopolitical and energy terms, the two leaders’ discussions are expected to cover the full range of Greek-Russian political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation issues.

In addition, they will discuss international and regional developments, as well as developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, the developments in Libya, but also the issue of the pandemic.

Mitsotakis and the Russian President are going to adopt a Joint Action Plan for the years 2022-24, which, as government sources noted, will determine the main axes of bilateral cooperation for the coming years and the successful 13th Meeting of the Joint Interministerial Committee of Greece – Russia.

Apart from a country, which is connected with Greece with historical ties of friendship, Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council with a strong role and which has repeatedly underlined its commitment to the International Law of the Sea


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