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GreeceSupreme court ruling sustains earlier verdict for return of Iranian oil to...

Supreme court ruling sustains earlier verdict for return of Iranian oil to Greece-anchored ship

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Greece’s Supreme Court sustained a lower-court verdict which had ordered the return of the oil cargo to the the Iranian-flagged tanker ‘Lana’, confiscated following a US seizure request.

The country’s top court heard an appeal by shipping company Times Navigation, which sought to block the return of the oil.

The cargo ship was held in April 2022 by Greek port authorities at Karystos, on the island of Evia, and the oil transferred to Greek tanker ‘Ice Energy’. At its seizure, the ship had been named ‘Pegas’ and sailed under a Russian flag. It had sought shelter from bad weather at Karystos, but was held by Greece following a request by the US Authority Against Legalising Income from Criminal Activities, in relation to sanctions against Russia.

Reacting to the seizure of the ship, Iran seized two Greek tankers, which are still docked at the port of Bandar Abbas with their crew of 49, including 10 Greek nationals.

According to media reports, the eventual return of the oil cargo to Lana will lead to the release of the two Greek tankers held at Iran.

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