Friday, July 26, 2024

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When Seven Million Cried No: Oxi Day in Greece

By Robert Zaller, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Drexel University Two dates stand out on the national Greek calendar:  Independence Day, March 25, when...

Ten innovative Greek lodgings

The term lodgings denote more than one style of accommodation, and innovative is an artistic expression. Whether on business travel or a road trip...

Tripping over history in Thessaloniki

“In Thessaloniki, we live our history.” Sofia Bournatzi Of course, that statement could almost be a cliché if it wasn’t applied to Thessaloniki. It has...

Legendary Central Macedonia’s Serres and Kilkis

When cities can trace their heritage for 4,000 years, and they’re located in fabled Macedonia – land of Alexander the Great, Aristotle and Mount...

On the Road in Greece: Seeing the Aktiou Tunnel and Pindos Mountains of Epirus

By Catherine Tsounis, Contributing Editor   “We will pass through the undersea tunnel of Aktiou,” explained Kostoula Kapogiannis, our tour guide on our three-day excursion was of...

Sign the petition to the American government to immediately reverse the Executive Order by the Bush Administration of 2004, recognizing the country of the...

Click here to download PDF of Macedonia Petition   Take action now!   Thousands of people have signed the petition to the American government to immediately reverse the...

Take Action Now! Sign the Petition to Reverse the Executive Order by the Bush Administration of 2004, Recognizing the Country of the “FYROM” as...

 Petition to Reverse the Executive Order by the Bush Administration of 2004, Recognizing the Country of the “FYROM” as “Republic of Macedonia    Petition The recognition of the...


Petition to reverse the Executive Order by the Bush Administration of 2004, recognizing the country of the “FYROM” as “Republic of Macedonia   The basis for...

Μέρος της σπασμένης μαρμάρινης πόρτας που βρέθηκε στον 3ο θάλαμο

Μέρος της σπασμένης μαρμάρινης πόρτας που βρέθηκε στον 3ο θάλαμο. Στη δυτική πλευρά του θυρώματος διαπιστώθηκε ότι υπάρχει στροφέας (μεντεσές) Δελτίο Τύπου Σημεία από την ενημέρωση...

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