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GreeceThe President of the Hellenic Republic met with the twe12 year old...

The President of the Hellenic Republic met with the twe12 year old refugee Arezu Kabuli

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou met earlier today in the garden of the Presidential Palace with the twelve-year-old refugee, Arezu Kabuli (Arezu Kabuli), from Afghanistan, who as a student at a school in Lesvos, won a scholarship for the International School.

Mrs. Sakellaropoulou, after congratulating the young student, stressed that this charismatic child is an excellent example both for the State and for all those who are in a difficult position. “They can see that there is light. “Language and education are the way to integration, to integration,” he stressed.

At the same time, the President of the Republic praised the great contribution of the Arezou family in its development, and especially of her mother, who instilled in her a love for knowledge.

Little Arezou, for her part, referred to the difficulties she faced when she came to our country, since she did not know Greek, but stressed that she overcame them very quickly with significant help from her teachers and said she was ready to travel to Boston and meet new people. and new places.

Arezou was accompanied to the Presidential Palace by her parents and her younger sister, as well as the Deputy Minister of Immigration and Asylum Sofia Voultepsi and the Special Secretary for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors Irini Agapidaki

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