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Greek CommunityThe Spireas Family Supporting Greek Children In Need In Coordination With Hellenic...

The Spireas Family Supporting Greek Children In Need In Coordination With Hellenic Vision

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Spireas Family


The Spireas Family Supporting Greek Children In Need In Coordination With Hellenic Vision



Thanks for reading Hellenic News of America

By Dimitri G. Soultogiannis

Special to the Hellenic News of America


Hamilton, NJ—Dr. Emily Spireas is always touched by people in need and always has been a great philanthropist. On Saturday March 16th the Hellenic Vision hosted a Benefit Dinner Dance at the Community Center of St. George in Hamilton. Dr. Spireas was a part of this effort as the treasurer of the Hellenic vision. It is because of people like Emily Spireas and so many other Greek-American that Greece can hope for help coming from abroad. Greece and its people are going through some very tough times. All proceeds of the event will be given directly to needy children of Greece who show up hungry at school on a daily basis. Sigmapharm Laboratories was one of the platinum sponsors of the event and CEO Dr. Spiros Spireas also attended the event.


Present were also the AHEPA Supreme President Dr. John Grossomanides as well as the President of the Hellenic American National Council Paul Kotrotsios and the Hellenic News of America that has always supported and covered all the efforts made by the Spireas family and other organizations to support Greece and Greeks in need. In his message to all that attended the dinner Dr. Spireas asked everyone to feel blessed for all they have and for also being able to support those in need. Dr. Spireas asked everyone to help and he quoted Odysseas Elitis.


“It was wonderful to see our organizations gathered together to help raise awareness of the dire situation that has befallen the children of Greece. Thanks to Dr. Georgia Triantafillou, the president of Hellenic Vision and the one who spearheaded this event, we were able to raise over 30,000 dollars to send overseas. I also want to thank the AHEPA for all their efforts in helping make this a successful event; I don’t think we could have done it without them. I also want to thank the Philoptohos who is always there to lend their support in times of need and crisis. Above all I would like to thank all the people who contributed in any way they could. We had many generous donors and others who although could not attend the event, still did not hesitate in giving and making a contribution. We were also fortunate to have his Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos bless us with his presence and kind donation. Over all it was a wonderful evening uniting all of us with one goal in mind, helping the underprivileged children of Greece overcome their hardship,” said Dr. Emily Spireas.


Metropolitan of New Jersey Evangelos praised the Spireas family for all their contributions and everyone who helps those in need. Metropolitan Evangelos also praised the initiative of the “Hellenic Vision of New Jersey” an organization that was always meant to help our brother in Greece who can barely get by. “We absolutely need these kinds of great initiatives and I know that people who help sometimes barely get by themselves but it is great to see this kind of response from the Hellenic Community of New Jersey to the people of Greece, to our brothers in Greece,” he added. Metropolitan Evangelos also mentioned all those Greek families with children struggling to get by. “To help other people in need is important and necessary, to help to children in need becomes mandatory,” he concluded.


The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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