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GreeceTransactions with the State will be further simplified in 2024, Papastergiou says

Transactions with the State will be further simplified in 2024, Papastergiou says

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Minister of Digital Governance Dimitris Papastergiou on Wednesday sent the message that 2024 will be a year in which procedures related to the services for citizens and businesses in their transactions with the State will be further simplified.

In his statements to journalists in Barcelona during the Mobile World Congress, the minister briefly referred to the immediate plans to achieve of the goal of simplifying everyday life for the citizens.

Answering related questions, Papastergiou underlined the great progress that Greece has made as regards the digitisation of the State and in creating infrastructure that is necessary to attract investments. But he stressed the need to speed up in some areas, with a focus on increasing broadband speeds.

The minister said there should be binding timetables from telecommunications providers for the expansion of fibre to the home (FTTH) networks, in a bid to speed up the process of upgrading fixed-line broadband speeds.

Papastergiou said that the ministry, on its part, will undertake actions to boost demand, such as the Smart Readiness actions subsidising work that prepares buildings for the installation of FTTH infrastructure.

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Among the immediate plans is the simplification of the process for Smart Readiness. Funds from the Recovery Fund will be used to subsidise the ultra-high speed connections of those participating in Smart Readiness, he added


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