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Featured Greek NewsUnique Moment: Paul Kotrotsios and the 35th Anniversary of Hellenic News of America

Unique Moment: Paul Kotrotsios and the 35th Anniversary of Hellenic News of America

Catherine Tsounis
Catherine Tsounis
Contributing Editor The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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Sunday, May 1, 2022, is a unique moment in Greek-American Society. It marks 35 years of work by the Hellenic News of America (HNA) newspaper as a unifying force for Hellenism. The 35th Anniversary celebration will be held at the Grand Marquis in Old Bridge, NJ. The event will have a reception starting at  5:00 PM, an Awards Ceremony & Dinner at 6:00 PM and entertainment from Greece at 7:00 PM. RSVP is required to attend, there will be no tickets sold at the door. Visit for more information.

The program includes: Master of Ceremonies; Larry Michael, Voice of the Fight Sports TV Network; Honorees of the evening include Kathy Bizoukas, Grand President, Daughters of Penelope; Ilias Katsos, EMBCA, President Chairman, AHEPA’s Hellenic Cultural Commission Member of the board of Saint Nicholas; Thomas Paschos, Esq., Thomas Paschos & Associates; James Polos, Commissioner of the New Jersey Police Training Commission; Alex Theodosiou President, P.G.E.I. of America Charitable Foundation; Sevasti Ziogas Vartimidis, Executive Director of Greek Education Athenian Academy, and Eirini Xakousti, President, Amaryllis Chapter 421, Greece Daughters of Penelope.

From the 30th Anniversary Gala of the Hellenic News of America. Dr. Spiro Spireas, Chairman of the GALA addressing the guests.

“In its 35th year, we are aspiring to meet the professional demands of the 21st century,” the publisher explained. “Our publication is bilingual, reaching Greeks all over the U.S.A. and overseas. We connect, engage, and inspire. It is up to us to keep the flame alive. It is our duty to promote our Hellenic heritage.”  The person behind these accomplishments is Paul Kotrotsios. He is a Greek-American known for being a creator of opportunities. His supportive family and friends have collaborated with him to mainstream trade, business, and professional outlets to the American public.

A Congressional Proclamation that was issued previously by the Hon. Robert E. Andrews of the United States House of Representatives, First District, New Jersey, states, “the Hellenic News of America has, since 1987, advocated for Hellenic-American Interests, strengthened connections within the Hellenic-American community and educated Greek Americans and Philhellenes about current national issues pertinent to their communities; and Whereas, the Hellenic News of America is furthering higher education through scholarships to promising youth in the Hellenic-American community; and Whereas, the Hellenic News of America celebrates its 25th anniversary after a quarter-century of service to its readers.” Mr. Kotrotsios’ role as a political activist is attempting to foster peace and harmony in the turbulent 2022 world through trade and education opportunities.

Senator John P. Sarbanes of the 3rd District, Maryland, believes “Since 1987 Paul Kotrotsios’ tireless efforts have grown and strengthened the journalistic qualities of the Hellenic News. Today, in its 20th year, the Hellenic News has grown in stature and prestige, and holds a well-deserved place as one of the finest and most informative newspapers in the Greek-American Community.”

Aphrodite Kotrotsios, CEO & Publisher of the Hellenic News of America greeting the guests of the 30th Anniversary Gala of the Hellenic News of America.

He continues by saying, “Through its energetic outreach efforts the Hellenic News has helped to strengthen the Greek-American Community by putting together a host of business networking events, informative discussion forums as well as promoting other collaborative affairs. The Hellenic News deserves our support for all its good efforts, so that we may ensure that the next 20 years see even greater success.”

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Edward G. Rendell, former Governor of Pennsylvania, said “Our unique heritages and diversity contribute to our rich cultural fabric and make the freedoms of speech and association that we enjoy as Americans so extraordinary. As the swift tide of globalization advances, it has never been more important to foster unity and pride within a community of those who share a common heritage and bridge the divide that exists between diverse cultures. The HNA has seen the Greek-American community go through tremendous change and has been a prominent part of its preservation and development. The HNA has helped many Greek-Americans stay connected with Greece, build valuable financial ties between America and Greece, and develop social relationships around the world.”

Elias Tomazos, president of the Hellenic Society Paideia, believes the Hellenic News is a “fountain of wisdom and strength of the Greek language. All know of your great love for your family that represents a role model of traditional Greek values in America. Thank you for your support of the Hellenic Society Paideia that has encouraged our growth.”

Anthony C. Skoutelas, former principal of the Odyssey Charter School in Wilmington, Delaware, said “The contributions by the HNA over the years and especially in promoting Paedeia are indeed appreciated. You have often reported on our school activities and accomplishments and this fact has not gone unnoticed.”

Yiorgo Chouliaras, Director of Greek Press and Communications Office in Washington, D.C., adds that “the Hellenic News community news reporting is an honor to the Hellenes who struggle to make their communities a success. You encourage young persons to continue promoting their communities’ goals.”

College youth leaders believe in the Hellenic News of America mission. Georgia Pyrros, former President of the Hellenic University Club of Wilmington, Delaware asserts that “the contributions of HNA over the years have been felt in the improvement of our total communications within and between the various organizations. On behalf of the members of the Hellenic University Club of Wilmington, I thank you for the great service to the Greek Community and wish you continued success.”

“The Youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity,” said Benjamin Disraeli, British politician, and author. We are in the business and education sectors that strive to keep Hellenism and our ethics alive. We must not assimilate and forget our roots,” Kotrotsios said. “Today, more than ever, we need to work more intensively towards the perpetuation of our traditions and our youth.”

“On behalf of the City of Philadelphia, I congratulate Paul Kotrotsios and the Hellenic News of America…,” said former Mayor Michael A. Nutter of Philadelphia at a previous event.

From 1980-87, Paul held the position of General Manager of the Greek Radio Network of America and went on to become a founding member of the U.S. Hellenic Chamber of Commerce; founding member and past President (elected May 1, 2010) of the Hellenic-American National Council of  North America, the umbrella organization of all Hellenic American Federations; and in 2000 became a founding member of the US Greece Business Advisory Council of Greater Philadelphia.”

International Journalist Alex Rigas commended Paul Kotrotsios for “keeping the banner of Epirus prominent in Greek American life. You remember where you were born and give honor to the Epirotan men. Your efforts to overcome obstacles and progress is exceptional. Thousand have a deep love and friendship with you in America and Greece.”

National journalist George S. Larmour, in The News of Delaware County, Havertown, August 1, 2002, wrote an outstanding description of the mission of The Hellenic News. “The Hellenic News of America has been keeping Greek-Americans informed about developments in their native country as well as their local community since 1987,” he says. “Mr. Kotrotsios realized there was a gap in the community. Introducing a Greek, bilingual newspaper was a booming success. It was a link to Greece. Hermes Expo was founded in 1992. It was named after the Greek God of Trade and Communication. The Expo is a yearly event taking place in late spring in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The main goal is to promote trade relations between Greece and the United States of America.”

The publisher was born in the village of Parakalamos, Ioannina, Greece. “Kotrotsios traveled to the United States from Greece in 1979 after receiving a degree in economics from the University of Thessaloniki,” Larmour states in his article. “I (Kotrotsios) never knew that I was going into the publishing business.” Paul Kotrotsios began the newspaper in 1987 with the help and advice of a handful of friends. He earned a Master’s degree in Business from St. Joseph’s University in 1984.”

Dr. Amalia Spireas, Linda Kotrotsios, and Nancy Papaioannou.

Linda Kotrotsios has been the force in the shadows of the Hellenic News of America for thirty-five years. She has raised three outstanding daughters, Aphrodite, Stavroula, and Ioanna while supporting her husband Paul in his business ventures. She is the mentor of her family, the cement of this unique business enterprise.

The Kotrotsios family has the same determination and focus to succeed. “When you help and uplift your community, you help uplift yourself. This was a guiding principle that influenced and inspired me to be involved and give back to my community,” said Aphrodite Kotrotsios, CEO & Publisher of the Hellenic News of America.

Aphrodite is the publisher since 2018 and also founded the Hermes Young Professionals Initiative as an outreach effort to preserve Greek heritage and traditions amongst the younger generation in 2007 with her sister Stavroula.

Aphrodite was born into the newspaper business. She has seen it change from hard print to digital edition. Factual reporting is her mission. She is one of the few journalists in America and internationally who have a master’s degree in biomedical science. Her Greek is fluent. She is loyal and believes “to have a friend one must be a friend.”

During the 2020 pandemic, she began broadcasting podcasts with singer Kalomira and many young Greek-American business leaders. The publisher has a natural gift of interviewing persons, catapulting her as a major news interviewer. Ms. Kotrotsios’ kind, sensitive personality is evident. Her dynamic “synergy” has brought a fresh, innovative approach to Greek American podcasts.

I have followed the works of Paul Kotrotsios since the mid-1990s. He is a humble, self-made person. He has aided immigrants and Americans in search of economic opportunities. He reflects the many supporters of Hellenism from the mountains of Epirus (that includes the Mother of Alexander the Great). The 35th  Anniversary of the work of Paul Kotrotsios shows his unique mission to keep Hellenism alive. Aphrodite is accepting and passing on the torch of Hellenism to her generation.

For more information and ticket reservations visit or email [email protected]

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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