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GreeceUS steadfastly committed to Prespes Agreement, State Dept spokesperson says

US steadfastly committed to Prespes Agreement, State Dept spokesperson says

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The United States remains steadfastly committed to the Prespes Agreement and the incorporation of North Macedonia in the Euro-Atlantic institutions, a US Department of State spokesperson said in the wake of elections at the Balkan country.

The spokesperson was asked by Greek correspondents in Washington to comment on the fact that North Macedonia’s new president, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, violated the Prespes Agreement when she referred to “Macedonia” instead of using its constitutional name, “North Macedonia”, during her swearing-in ceremony.

As the State Department spokersperson noted, the US will continue to underline the importance of complying with international agreements and the benefits of a full accession to the European Union.


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