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GreeceWe continue to build national bulwarks against energy price increases, Economou says

We continue to build national bulwarks against energy price increases, Economou says

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Government spokesperson Yiannis Economou started the Friday press briefing, which is held in the city of Thessaloniki each week, by referring to what was discussed in his meeting with Thessaloniki Mayor Kostantinos Zervas.

“It was a productive meeting that focused on major infrastructure projects for the city and joint state and municipal problem-solving initiatives,” the government spokesman said.
Referring to the fires, he pointed out that the picture has improved but also that the battle continues.

Regarding the energy crisis, Economou said the government is continuing targeted efforts on a national and European level.

“We continue to build national bulwarks against increases,” he said, referring to the new household support mechanism. “A common European response to the problem is the only solution and the prime minister is insisting on his proposals at the EU. The Greek proposal [on the base level for calculating gas consumption] was accepted at the Council of Energy Ministers and thus the reduction in natural gas consumption will be calculated on the basis on the previous year’s consumption and not the last five-year period, as is the case for the rest of the EU,” he said.


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