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GreeceBusinessWhen I received the December issue of the Hellenic News of America..

When I received the December issue of the Hellenic News of America..

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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Yiasou, Paul:

When I returned home from our necessitated-long, collegiate meeting this morning, I received the December issue of the Hellenic News of America. Since I needed time to relax, I set back and read several news stories.

First, I was very happy to notice that so very many businesses, agencies, and individuals submitted advertisements, which add to the spirit of the Holy Days Season. I sincerely hope our fellow compatriots patronize these establishments.

However, I was quite impressed by much of the content. The interview with Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg was very revealing, not necessarily so much about her own rise as a woman — significant of itself, but of the manner by which she succeeded with persistence. Kudos to her, indeed.

The articles “Labyrinthe Ways: Synopsis and Review” were not just informative, but inviting to read the book, for it brings out a rather unique but very interesting and pleasant way of life in that fabulous and perhaps somewhat mysterious island — Crete — of “Labynthine Ways!” It would be most gratifying if the author were to lecture on the book, perhaps at a book-signing reception.

Thanks for reading Hellenic News of America

The “Trilateral Summit Egypt-Greece-Cyprus” is not only relevant but, more importantly, the significance that three countries of two cultures have come together friendly, appreciatively, and most willingly to do business together. Even more importantly, however, with Greece and Cyprus as the unifying linkage, the already-established Israel-Greece-Cyprus commitment can bring Egypt and Israel even closer together than they are already, making the process a ‘Tetralateral (I know — my connotation) Summit,’ which would not only serve to bring “three” cultures together, but hopefully carry a momentous drive for peace in the area and an example toward global goodwill and order.

I cannot but commend Marc d’ Entremont for his very fine offering on Kavalla, and the Hellenic News of America for printing it, for it is an article that correctly depicts the city’s “fresh” atmosphere, even from my own visit three years ago after 54 years from first visit. I look forward to more similar stories in future articles, exploring and introducing the various parts of Greece.

Last, but certainly not least, the report on “The missing link of the ‘Omogeneia,'” is, and should be taken as the proverbial “wake up call” for the current travails of our Greek American communities to reinvigorate themselves in the Socratic theme: “Know Thyself,” and begin immediate rehabilitation for the preservation of Hellenism, which philosophy has produced very fine Americans who developed the “American Dream.”

Good Job, Paul!

Dean Lomis, PhD

Newark, Delaware

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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