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Greek Community2011 Corridor Person of the Year voting for Aris Melissaratos,

2011 Corridor Person of the Year voting for Aris Melissaratos,

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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2011 Corridor Person of the Year Voting

I just voted for Aris Melissaratos for the Corridor Inc’s Person of the Year. Aris has served a broad spectrum of people and initiatives from economic development to charitable fundraising and from education to community development. He is a genuine person who always has time for others. Aris is a man of hopefulness, good will and unselfish service who gets results. He is deserving of the 2011 Corridor Person of the Year. Here is the link where you can vote.

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Mike Galiazzo 


Aris Melissaratos joined The Johns Hopkins University in 2007 as Senior Advisor to the President for Enterprise Development. A 1966 Johns Hopkins graduate and longtime member of the Whiting School of Engineering’s National Advisory Council, Melissaratos has overall responsibility for building the university’s relationship with business and forging new connections between the research and corporate communities.Specific assignments include supervision of Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer, the office that links university researchers and businesses interested in commercializing their inventions. Melissaratos also markets opportunities for businesses to locate at Johns Hopkins-related research parks such as the Montgomery County Campus, the nearby Belward Research Campus and the Science + Technology Park at Johns Hopkins, now under construction as pa rt of the comprehensive New EastSide redevelopment in East Baltimore.Melissaratos, whose undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins is in electrical engineering, spent most of his career with Westinghouse Electronics in Baltimore, eventually becoming vice president of science and technology and chief technology officer at corporate headquarters in Pittsburgh. Before joining state government in 2003 as Secretary of the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development, he also served as vice president of Thermo Electron Corp. and founded Armel Private Equity Investments.He was a founding co-chair of the Greater Baltimore Technology Council and is a former vice president of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce. He holds a master’s degree in engineering management from George Washington University and did graduate work in international politics at Catholic University of America. Melissaratos also completed a program for management development at Harvard Business School.


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