On Thursday, November 30, 2017 EMBCA a business/cultural organization based in NYC, will have its 2nd Hellenic Shipping Panel Discussion at the 3 West Club @ 6 pm and if it works with your schedule, I hope you will attend.
The Greek shipping merchant marine fleet, the largest in the world, has been a modern economic entrepreneurial miracle and a panel of leaders in the industry will discuss its history, culture, international significance and current state.
Our moderator for this highly anticipated discussion event will be Dr. Tasos Aslidis, CFO Euroseas Ltd. and our panelists will include among others:
Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis, State Senator from Rhode Island
Andreas L. Theoharis, Vice President & Chartering Director Southern Star Shipping Co. / Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd.
Dr. Kirsi Tikka, Executive Vice President, Global Marine, American Bureau of Shipping Inc.
Konstantine Drougos, Managing Director, Agro Marketing International
Enclosed find a video of last year’s shipping panel discussion ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA065BLACXs ) and the link to this year’s event // http://embca.com/event/hellenic-shipping-2017/?event_date=2017-11-30 // please RSVP as seats are limited
This year EMBCA’s Panel on Hellenic Shipping will expand on the international significance, history and sacrifices of the Hellenic Merchant Marine. During WWII, Hellenic ships served as Liberty ships for the Allies, with Hellenic Merchant Marines targeted at sea and killed by the Nazis. Hellenic ships made a major contribution to the success of War effort, which at great peril carried most of the supplies for Allied forces. Following the War, this fleet served as a key component of restarting world trade in shipping and it still NATO’s most valuable and strategic asset.
The acknowledgement of the WWII contribution of Hellas, by the US, served as the basis of the re-establishment of the modern Hellenic owned fleet, and one of the greatest global entrepreneurial success stories.
EMBCA will formally announce the formation of a Hellenic Shipping & Friendship Memorial Committee whose objective will be to erect a WWII historic monument in downtown Manhattan, whose purpose will be: 1) To commemorate the Allied Hellenic Merchant Marines who were targeted and killed by the Nazis during WW II and 2) To express gratitude to the United States of America for supporting the creation of the modern Hellenic Merchant Marine fleet, and honoring the “Blessed” Liberty ships which after WWII, along with the spirit of Hellenic entrepreneurship, have created the largest merchant shipping fleet in the world.
I hope you will join me on November 30th in what promises to be an enlightening event on a huge industry that relates in many ways to all the products around us but that many know very little about.