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Greek CommunityCancer Research Foundation, Inc. 25th Annual Fall Gala Saturday, November...

Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. 25th Annual Fall Gala Saturday, November 1, 2014

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Fifth District AHEPA

Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.

25th Annual Fall Gala

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pines Manor

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Edison, New Jersey

Past Axios Award Recipients

The “Axios Award” is presented to an individual or individuals whose humanitarian purposes and endeavors have contributed in helping to find a cure for cancer, unselfishly and devoutly in the name of mankind. This award has been given out since 1996, recent recipients include:

Dr. Yibin Kang, 2013: Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Professor of Molecular Biology, Princeton UniversityFox Chase Cancer Center, 2011

Dr. David C. Lyden, 2009: Stavros S. Niarchos Chair, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Cell and Developmental Biology at Weill Cornell Medical Center and a Pediatric Neuro-Oncologist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the Director of Champalimaud Metastasis Center in Lisbon, Portugal

 Dr. William Hait, 2008: Senior Vice President & Worldwide Head of Hemotology & Oncology for Johnson & Johnson

 Dr. Nicholas Romas, 2007: Chairman of the Department of Urology at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center, NY

 Dr. Maria Theodoulou, 2006: Associate Attending, Breast Cancer Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center & Professor of Medicine at the Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University, NY

 George Righos, 2004

Gus Leontarakis, 2003

Constantine “Dino” Genakos, 2002

Christopher Sevast, 2001

Constantine Gus Theodos, 2000

Founding Officers of Foundation, 1998: Julian “Woody West, Ernest Tsaptinos, Michael Koufakis & Thomas Taros (Posthumously)                                                                             George Kartikis, 1997

Stanley Mathews, 1996


Research Centers Who Have Received Grant Awards From the

Fifth District AHEPA Cancer Research Foundation


Fox Chase Cancer Center, Robert Wood Johnson, Hackensack Medical Center,

Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Cancer Institute of New Jersey Pediatric Cancer,

Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, Montclair State University,

Weill Cornell Medical College/Children’s Blood Foundation,

New York Presbyterian Hospital, Christiana Care Health Services,

Coriell Institute for Medical Research,

University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, Rutgers University,

St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center of Columbia University




Cocktail Hour Sponsor

Order of AHEPA, Garden State #517

Flowers and Dessert Sponsor

Order of AHEPA, Ramapo #453

Invitations and Program Sponsor

Mr. & Mrs. Zenon Christodoulou

Doctor’s Table Sponsor

Wells Fargo and Mr. Charles K. Anastasiou

Raffle Gift Donations

Penelope Capetan

Andreas & Angela Hajiyerou

George G. & Lisa Horiates

Christos Prentzas

Michael Zachariades

Andrew C. Zachariades




 Grand Benefactor


Alice Kartikis

(In Memory of George Kartikis)


Christopher & Terri Diamantoukos


PDG George G. Lisa Horiates


PDG Constantine & Eugenia Sedereas


Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hollister and Family


Order of AHEPA

Camden #69, Cherry Hill


May West

(In Loving Memory of Julian“Woody”West)


Joel & Lynn Pearlmutter


Milton Misogiannes


Drs. Spiro & Amalia Spireas


Order of AHEPA

Wilmington #95, Wilmington


Order of AHEPA

Bergen Knights #285, Tenafly




Gold Benefactor


Stavroula Horiates

(In Memory of George A. Horiates)


Phil Frangos, Order of AHEPA, Supreme President


Nicholas Karacostas, PSP & AHEPA Chairman of the Board of Trustees


Tom & Marianne Andrews


Andreas & Angela Hajiyerou


PDG Gust C. Kraras


David C. Lyden


Gus & Mary Theodos


PDG Savas & Maria Tsivikos


Order of AHEPA, District 5 Lodge


Order of AHEPA, Trenton #72, Trenton


Order of AHEPA, Monroe# 75, New Brunswick


Order of AHEPA, Thomas Jefferson #280, Westfield


Order of AHEPA, Eagle Rock #375, Orange

Silver Benefactor


Dr. John Grossomanides, Jr. PSP

and Anna-Helene Grossomanides, Grand President


Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Kokotas, SOP National Advisor


Andrew C. Zachariades, Supreme Secretary and

Antoinette Marousis-Zachariades, PDG


Vassos Chrysanthou, AHEPA Board of Trustees and Family


Order of AHEPA 5th District Lodge


Daughters of Penelope 5th District Lodge


Order of AHEPA, Hudson #108, Jersey City


Order of AHEPA, Vineland #162, Vineland


Daughters of Penelope, Tethys #229, Piscataway





Alpha Music


Paul & Kathy Savides


Matthew Mirones


Vassilios Milcos


Tim Joannides, SG


Spiro & Mary Hajiyerou



PSG Ted and Lynn Fanikos


Steve & Maria Flamporis


Maria & Emanuel Karras


Dr. Elias and Mrs. Katherine Iliadis




Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Kolovos


George E. & Sandra Loucas and Family


Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Vassilakos


Van Holten Chocolates

Brick & Seaside, NJ


Penelope Capetan

(In Memory of Peter Thomas Capetan)











Bronze Benefactor


John Antonacos

PDG Herbert P. Allen & Jane Allen

Dr. Kenneth & Jeannie Arida

Elaine & Con Bacalakis

John & Audrey Betts

Georgette Boulegeris, PDG

Peter Carides

Diane Churas

Costa & Maggie Coussoulis

The Crow’s Nest

Antoinette Genakos

Martina Harris, PDG

George Hatzandreou

James C. Knicos

Anthony Kouzonis, PSP

Mrs. Sylvia Kress

Gus & Renate Lanis

Steve & Johanna Lioumis, PDGs

Spiro Livanis

Eva Mehos & John A. Mehos, PSG

Demi Pamboukes

Mr. & Mrs. Alkis Papadopoulos

George N. & Rania Pappas

Leonidas C. Patilis

Harry Piltsis

Gregory & Joyce Ploussas

Christina Polychronis

George & Elaine Righos

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sandilos

Stylianou Family

PDG John & Joanne Tarabicos

Charlie & Virgina Theokas

PGS Demi & PDG Sammy Thomas

Steve & Evellyn Tsiadis, PGP

Mr. & Mrs. Fotis Vardakis

Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Villare

Dr. John & Despina Wilson

Edward & Malvina Wilkens


George & Zoe Kousoulis

(In Loving Memory of Dannielle Kousoulis)


Constance Pilallis

Daughters of Penelope, Grand Vice President


St. Barbara Ladies Philoptochos Society

of St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Piscataway, NJ


5th District, Daughters of Penelope

Past District Governor’s Club


Order of AHEPA, District 6

Gold Coast #456, Manhaset


Daughters of Penelope~Chapters

Xanthus #149, Wilmington

Altes #163, Trenton

Kronos #188, Clifton

Nike #230, Cherry Hill

Alexander #250, Randolph

Agape #336, Wyckoff

Aphrodite #374, Toms River

Amphitryn-Zephyr #701, Roseland




Shirley Boan

Michael & Evangeline Emanuel

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Faller

Chris & Mary Mantzavinos

Georgia Chrampanis Peterson

Basil S. & Despina Savopoulos

Stella & John Tsinetakes




Thank you to all of our donors and attendees for making this 25th Gala a very special memory.

Your generosity and support is greatly appreciated.







Fifth District AHEPA Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.




George G. Horiates, Chairman

Antoinette Marousis-Zachariades, Vice Chairman

Valerie Vittas, Secretary

Andrew C. Zachariades, Treasurer

Ted Vittas, Corresponding Secretary





Georgette Boulegeris

Penelope Capetan

Ted Fanikos

Alice Kartikis

Steve Lioumis

Stathia Marousis


John A. Mehos

Lee Millas

Christos Prentzas

Christopher Sevast

Thomas W. Sulich

Demi Thomas

Evellyn Tsiadis



Stanley Gerondelis, Order of AHEPA, District Governor

Anna Zavros, Daughters of Penelope, District Governor

Asteris Fanikos, Order of AHEPA, District Lt. Governor

Karen Knicos, Daughters of Penelope, District Lt. Governor


Past Chairman of the Foundation

… Julian “Woody” West, … John K. Antholis, Constantine Gus Theodos,

Georgette Boulegeris, Martina Harris, … Thomas N. Pappas, Stathia Marousis &

Andrew C. Zachariades



Foundation History


The Foundation was formed in October 1988, by the Fifth District Order of AHEPA to raise funds from its members and the general public for research grants. Shortly after, the Fifth District Daughters of Penelope came on board uniting the AHEPA Family behind a common cause of philanthropic support of cancer research.


The Foundation volunteers began their fundraising efforts in March of 1989. Armed with collection canisters thus inaugurated the humble beginnings of collecting donations to provide funding for cancer research.

Through the efforts of the “all volunteer” Board of Trustees, the Foundation presented its first grant award in the Fall of 1990 to Fox Chase Cancer Center in the amount of $5,000.


Through the generosity and support of individuals and the expansion of several new fundraising events, the Foundation has significantly increased its financial support one hundred fold. As of 2014 the Foundation has been honored and privileged to award approximately $885,000 to the men and women who diligently work towards a cure for cancer. No one receives a salary or any compensation and administrative costs are kept to a minimum of 5%.



Our Mission: The mission of the Foundation is to facilitate fundraising and to award grants to scientists and medical research institutions whose primary goal is to find a cure for cancer. The Fifth District AHEPA Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. is tax-exempt under 501 ( c ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible under the 170 (a) (2).

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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