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GreeceDep Tourism Min Rapti to ANA-MPA: Greece has comparative advantages that can...

Dep Tourism Min Rapti to ANA-MPA: Greece has comparative advantages that can make it a protagonist in diving tourism

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Greece has comparative advantages that can make it a protagonist in the field of diving tourism, a form of tourism that can lengthen the tourist season and at the same time contribute to the reduction of unemployment, Deputy Minister of Tourism Elena Rapti pointed out in an interview with Athens-Macedonian News Agency on Sunday on the importance of diving tourism in Greece.

It is important that Greece, in relation to the directly competing countries for diving in the Mediterranean, has a number of features that the competing countries lack, with an emphasis mainly on safety. As Elena Rapti explained, initially, Greece is a safe country for both vacations and diving due to the strict legislative framework for safety and compliance with international standards for recreational diving. At the same time, Greece has a great wealth of historic and modern shipwrecks to visit, as its seas are not only a crossroads of commercial shipping for centuries but also the theater of operations of the last two World Wars. “We have world-class shipwrecks to visit, such as the wreck of the “Brittanic” in Kea and the “Perseus” in Kefalonia, as well as important underwater sea battlefields, she said.

Rapti pointed out that the specific public visits their areas of interest throughout the autumn period but also at the beginning of spring, this also translates into an expansion of the season and at the same time every diver who visits Greece is a quality visitor. It is characteristic that diving can primarily attract visitors, benefiting different from the usual sectors of tourism instead of simply deriving income from the classic tourist traffic, she added.


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