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Featured Greek NewsNew Rochelle, AHEPA Chapter hosts Career Day

New Rochelle, AHEPA Chapter hosts Career Day

Hellenic News
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On Sunday, January 8, following Holy Trinity Church services, The James Plevritis – Joseph C. Keane Evzone Chapter # 405 gathered a cross section of prominent industry leaders for their annual Career Day program to the community.  The event was designed to appeal to High School Seniors, College Students and Job Changers to help them in their career decision making process. Included in the panel of very successful professionals were left to right, Arthur Kentros, Esq. Associate General IBM Counsel; Harry Wilson, General Motors turnaround expert; Joseph C. Keane, Chapter President and Master of Ceremonies; Manny Caras, President of Emanuel P. Caras Architecture Associates; Marios Damiandes, Ernst and Young, LLS, Partner;  Maria Pantelaros, Senior Engineer, Turner Construction; Mark Graham, Editor-in-Chief, Digital Publishing; Drs. Dan and Pamela Nicastri, Mt. Sinai Cardiothoracic Surgery & Radiology; Nicholas Kinas, Educator and General Donald Singer, Esq. (Not shown) for Military careers.


The program included a three dimensional approach to career day. Each panelist was introduced and spoke for about 5 minutes about their own career journey. Following the introductions, the panelists participated in an exciting question and answer period, fielding questions  from the large crowd that attended. At the conclusion of the program, guests were invited to meet privately with panelists for further discussion on their individual careers and for networking opportunities.


The program is part of the New Rochelle Chapters year-round celebration of Hellenism, providing cultural, entertainment,  sports and professional services to the Holy Trinity, New Rochelle Greek Orthodox Community, the largest in Westchester County. The entire event was videotaped  and the chapter expects to showcase Career Day to the delegates at AHEPA’s National Disney World Convention in July. Master of Ceremonies  and Chapter President, Joseph C. Keane, himself a former Senior IBM Executive, in his closing remarks, stated “helping to shape the next generation is possibly one of the greatest societal contributions AHEPA can make”.

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Thank you and Happy New Year,

James B. Zafiros

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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