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GreeceCultureAHEPA, Celebrates OXI DAY at Ellis Island

AHEPA, Celebrates OXI DAY at Ellis Island

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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 The Courage to Resist: OXI Day 2017

Picture: AHEPA dignitaries in the Great Hall. Left to right; Zenon Christodoulou, New Jersey, District Governor; Lou Katsos, Committee Member; Lana Zochiou, Counsul of Greece; Dr. Konstantinos Koutras, The Counsul General of Greece; Tom Dushas, Supreme Governor, Region 3, (holding Proclamation from New Jersey Governor Christie, proclaiming 28 October as OXl Day in New Jersey); Ted Stamas, New York District Governor; Asteris Fanikos, Committee Member; and George Horiates,  Supreme Treasurer of the Order of AHEPA.
Saturday, October 28, 2017, was simply a very special day for AHEPA and Region 3, which includes the States of New York, New Jersey and Delaware. AHEPA representatives from Region 3 came together to pay tribute to Greece’s extraordinary courage to resist occupation in World War 11. That day is now known to the free world as OXI, Day.
The event represented a tremendous challenge to the entire executive committee on all fronts: sales and marketing, arrangements, administration, editing and presentation. In looking back to the consolidated efforts of the OXl  Day Committee, it is obvious that the committee more than exceeded everyone’s expectations. The three tier committee approach, which included AHEPA Districts 5 and 6 along with the creative touch of committee member Effie Samios whose marketing and public relations agency supported the event. Their collective efforts,  yielded one of, if not, thee most successful events in OXI Day history in Region 3.
The goals from the very beginning were ambitious, but the enthusiastic and aggressive way in which everyone approached this challenge has more than borne out the results. It is estimated more than 200 people attended the event.
The committee was under the direction of AHEPA, Supreme Governor, Tom Dushas. He was profoundly assisted by District Governors, Zenon Christodoulou and Ted Stamos along with Executive Committee Members, Asteris Fanikos,  Lou Katsos, James Zafiros and Effie Samios.  Special kudos go to committee member Effie Samios who created  the OXI Day Website, a vehicle that inspired participation by the community.
The collective efforts of District 5, are especially noteworthy. This was the first time District 6 participated in the event. District 5, however, had some history and experience in organizing the event and shared it with everyone.  The fraternal benefit was appreciated by everyone. It brought AHEPA’s Region closer together and demonstrated brotherhood at the highest level.
Their collective efforts “lifted” AHEPA and inspired a very successful event.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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