WASHINGTON — The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), the leading worldwide association for Hellenes and Philhellenes denounced the most recent Anti-Greek Graffiti in Virginia Beach, VA.   AHEPA  has been proactive as the leading organization worldwide on Hellenic affairs and on expanding its membership to greater heights.  The National Herald has reported that a campaign sign for a Virginia Beach Councilwoman was vandalized with anti-Greek sentiment.   There is a Greek-American community in the area. Councilwoman Rosemary Wilson stated, ” I thought it was very offensive for someone to choose my sign to pick on a group of wonderful hardworking people who do a lot for our community.”

Supreme President George G. Horiates stated “We agree with Councilwoman Wilson. We also have seen other instances where this anti-Hellenic actions have taken form. In September another anti-Hellenic hate crime was perpetrated at Saint George Greek Orthodox Church in Lynn, Massachusetts.  Two icons were defaced with spray-painted symbols. AHEPA stands against religious and cultural intolerance. ”

He continued “It is troubling these cowardly acts of evil targeted at the Greek American community are happening at a time when we are delivering the message that people should embrace and defend Hellenism.  In addition to membership drives, we advocate for Hellenic issues in Washington more now, given the current state of affairs, than we have in recent history. This is a reminder that there is more work that needs to be done to educate the public. Greece and Cyprus gave birth to our Western Civilization and AHEPA is here at the ready to defend Hellenism worldwide.  After all, America has enjoyed the benefits of Western thought and Hellenic principles throughout the existence of our young nation. We will not allow uneducated detractors from steering our society to a path of ignorance.”

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