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GreeceBirths in Greece post further 10.3 pct drop in 2022

Births in Greece post further 10.3 pct drop in 2022

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) announces data on the evolution of demographic indicators in Greece for 2022. Data refer to vital events such as births, deaths, marriages, and registered partnerships of the population residing in the Greek Territory, during 2022. In this publication, for the first time, statistical data on divorces (irrevocable court decisions and dissolutions of marriage by notarial act) of the years 2018-2022 are announced. The source of all data is the Civil Registry Offices of all Greek Municipal Authorities.

– With respect to the above, the number of live births amounted to 76,541 (39,558 boys and 36,983 girls) recording a decrease of 10.3% in comparison to 85,346 (43,998 boys and 41,348 girls), in 2021. The number of births does not include stillbirths, which in 2022 amounted to 446, recording a decrease of 1.5% compared to the 453 stillbirths in 2021.

– In 2022, 140,801 deaths (70,802 men and 69,999 women) were recorded, decreased by 2.2% compared to 143,923 deaths (73,420 men and 70,503 women), in 2021. Infant deaths amounted to 239 in 2022, reducing the infant mortality rate (number of deaths of infants aged less than one year
per 1,000 live births) from 3.48 in 2021 to 3.12 in 2022.

– Marriages in 2022 amounted to 43,355 (21,381 religious and 21,974 civil marriages) recording an increase of 6.4% in comparison to 40,759 (18,487 religious and 22,272 civil marriages), in 2021. The number of registered partnerships recorded an increase of 13.9% amounting from 11,550 in 2021 to
13,157 in 2022. In this total number of registered partnerships during 2022, 394 between men and 113 between women are included .

– Divorces in 2022 amounted to 14,477, recording an increase of 4.0% compared to 2021 (13,921 divorces). As regards the type of divorce, eight out of ten divorces issued in the last five years were by mutual consent. In 2022, among the total number of divorces 11,638 were by mutual consent(80.4%) and 1,906 contested divorces (13.2%) whereas for 933 divorces (6.4%) the type of divorce was not declared. In 2022, most of the divorce decrees concerned persons aged 40-44 years (17.8% men and 20.0% women), followed by persons aged 45 – 49 (17.6% men and 16.4% women).
65.6% of the divorces issued in 2022 concerned couples that had been married for 10 years or more (9,500 divorces).

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– The ratio of divorces per 100 marriages in 2022 was 33.4 compared to 34.2 in 2021, 41.2 in 2020, 32.1 in 2019 and 32.8 in 2018.


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