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GreeceDefence Minister Dendias pledges Greece's 'full solidarity' to Israel

Defence Minister Dendias pledges Greece’s ‘full solidarity’ to Israel

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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Greek National Defence Minister Nikos Dendias pledged “full solidarity to Israel and the Israeli people at such difficult times, especially to those affected”, in a post on X on Sunday, responding to Palestinian islamist militants Hamas’ attack on Israel on Saturday.

“My warmest condolences to the families of the victims,” Dendias added, as “the protection of all civilians, wherever they are, remains an absolute priority for the international community, and our country as well.”

At least 600 Israelis have been killed since the attack and 100 kidnapped, according to Israeli media and the government, while Palestinian authorities in Gaza said that at least 370 people have been killed and some 2,200 have been injured from Israeli raids.


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