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GreeceCultureHierarch Bestows Loudoun’s Greek Orthodox Parish with a Name Marking Parish’s...

Hierarch Bestows Loudoun’s Greek Orthodox Parish with a Name Marking Parish’s 10-year Anniversary   Parish formerly known as the Greek Orthodox Parish of Loudoun County  

Hellenic News
Hellenic News
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DULLES, Va.- Loudoun’s growing Greek Orthodox community reached another milestone with a decision by His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey to bestow the Greek Orthodox Parish of Loudoun County with the blessed name of the Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church. The Metropolitan made the announcement during a special visit to the church, October 30, as the parish celebrated the 10th anniversary of its founding and ministry. With this official name comes His Eminence’s blessing to pursue land in Loudoun County for a permanent worship site.


According to Father George Alexson, presiding priest at Holy Apostles, parishioners see the new name in part as a reflection of the church’s deepening roots in Loudoun, which will add impetus to its efforts to pursue a new worship site in the county.


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“Clearly,” Father Alexson said, “our parishioners have worked hard for ten years to establish and sustain our parish. Bestowing a name upon our parish is the culmination of all our hard work. Now that we have a permanent name, we must continue our diligent efforts to secure a permanent home for our Orthodox community in Loudoun County. This will allow us to enhance our spiritual growth and charitable and philanthropic giving to those in need in the county.”


Founded in 2006, Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church celebrated its 10-year anniversary at a gala held October 29 and attended by His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos and Loudoun County Supervisor for the Algonkian District Susan Volpe.


Since its inception, the church has grown to 150 families and more than 22 Ministries, committees, and organizations that are actively involved in the church and community outreach programs.


“Our Parish received the glorious news of our church’s new name with profound gratitude and elation,” said Parish Council President Marina Blair. “Whoever comes through our doors is always welcomed and embraced! Our Holy Apostles is our home, our church family.”


Parishioners currently worship in a temporary facility (21580 Atlantic Blvd., Unit 160, Bldg. D, Dulles, Va.). Divine Liturgy is celebrated every Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Greek School classes are also offered. All Christians looking for a church home and belief and acceptance in Jesus Christ as our Savior are welcome.


To learn more about Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church or to support its efforts to find a permanent home, you may contact them and donate at


His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey, with the Presiding Priest of Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church, Father George Alexson, Presvytera Joanna Alexson and Father Michael Kontogiorgis.

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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