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Featured Greek NewsIntense search efforts continue in Greece and abroad for a missing 13-year-old...

Intense search efforts continue in Greece and abroad for a missing 13-year-old boy  

Hellenic News
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Sadly, the 13-year-old Thanasis that was being raised in the Home of the Organization “The Smile of the Child” and went missing on Friday, the 13th of March 2018 in the area of Peristeri in Athens, has not yet been found.


Intense search efforts are ongoing in Greece and abroad in cooperation with the prosecutorial authorities, the Hellenic Police, Interpol, the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the European Federation for Missing and Exploited Children (Missing Children Europe) as well as partners of the Organization in cases of missing and abducted minors.

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In addition, upon the activation of the Amber Alert missing posters were distributed to airports, border and custom stations, sea ports as well as police vehicles.


It is worthwhile to mention that this is one of the few cases that a search operation for a child that remains missing for so many days has not brought any result at all, whereas part of the information provided by the family members of the child is confusing and misleads the ongoing investigation and search effort.


According to the existing indications on the case, the disappearance of the boy resembles to a well organized operation for the abduction of a child that over the past 4 years had found at the family of “The Smile of the Child” the meaningful safety, care and love that every child deserves.


All those people from the Home, his school, his basketball team and the neighborhood, who love Thanasis, look forward to welcoming him back to an environment of safety and warmth. 


Anyone who has any information should contact the Organization “The Smile of the Child”, 24 hours a day, at the European Hotline for Missing Children 116 000 or the telephone number +30 210 76 09 550 if calling from abroad, as well as any Police Station across the country

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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