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GreeceCulturePan Laconian Brotherhood of Chicago Hosts Apokriatiko Family Glendi

Pan Laconian Brotherhood of Chicago Hosts Apokriatiko Family Glendi

Hellenic News
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Dear Fellow Laconians & Friends,


We would like to thank everyone who attended and participated to make our 2016 Apokriatiko Family Glendi & Scholarship and Award event on 3/5/2016 a true success! Special thanks and appreciation to our dinner dance committee whose efforts made a most enjoyable evening for all: Alexandra Valassis, Chairlady, Dimitrios Spyrakos, Co-Chairman, Adamandia Mallios, Marianne Georgitsos, Despina Panomitros, Helen Atsaves, Georgia Menegas. Many thanks also to our Education Scholarship Committee: Peter Panagoulias, Chairman, Constantine N. Bacil, Maria Liaskas, Litsa Athas, Nick Scarlatis, George Lekas, Patrcia Hano, Michael Davros, Aphrodite Angelakos, Chrysa Koulouris. Kai Tou Xronou!


We were honored to have our special guest speaker Ilias Tomazos (Director for the Center for Hellenic Studies PAIDEIA & Professor at University of Connecticut (UCONN)) who shared information about theLaconian Museum which will be built at UCONN (University of Connecticut). A quick reminder that Storrs, Connecticut is also the location of our Federation Convention June 15-19 2016 and we will view firsthand the site of the of this historic National Laconian Project . For further information on this project or for details on the Hellenic Studies PAIDEIA (Study in Greece Scholarship Program) or more on our Convention Program, please let us know.

Thanks for reading Hellenic News of America


Congratulations again to our 2016 Scholarship & Award Recipients: Kai Se Anotera ~ Aien Aristevin ~ To Excel Always!

Scholarship Recipients: Theofanis Economos $1,000.00 – The Louis G. & Helen Atsaves Family Award in honor of their parents; Georgia Mitrakos $1,000.00 – Pan Laconian Brotherhood of Chicago Award; Athanasia Pappas, $1,000.00 – Pan Laconian Brotherhood of Chicago Award;  Nicole Pappas, $500.00 – The John Vlahakis Family Award in honor of Martha Karakitsos & Georgia Menegas.


Laconian Achievement Awards:  Konstantinos Markakos Laconian Achievement Award;  Georgia MenegasLaconian Achievement Award; Konstantinos Koutsogiorgas Laconian Philanthropy


Photo & Video Coverage of our event – C N Bacil YouTube Page: We encourage everyone –  especially our scholarship and award winners & their families- to visit the YouTube page or click links below to enjoy a wonderful photo and video montage from the Apokriatiko evening and awards program.  Thank you Connie Bacil we appreciate the care and time you always put into making these wonderful visual documentaries for our organization! Photo montage of our Apokriatiko event:  Video of Awards Program & Celebratory Dancing: . Additional photos attached courtesy of the president, Louis G. Atsaves & The Apokriatiko Program is also attached for your enjoyment!


Thank you for your continued support!

With Laconian Love ~ Remain Lakonas Dia Panta,

Louis G. Atsaves, President

Pan Laconian Brotherhood of Chicago















The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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