By George Kallas, AHEPA
PORT JEFFERSON, NY – The AHEPA Port Jefferson Chapter 319 on Sunday, January 24, 2021 following the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Frs. Lou Nicholas & Demetrios N. Calogredes at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Assumption in Port Jefferson, NY paid tribute to the Feast of the Three Hierarchs and the Greek Letters.
Students of the Greek Afternoon School Katerina Rodolico and Alexandros Manolis read essays about the lives of the Saints & their contributions to Greek Education. Continuing the program, the AHEPA leadership spoke about the Chapter’s activities during the past year. The Chapter donated 1,000 masks & 1,000 pairs of gloves to parishioners & friends. $1,000 was donated for scholarship to students at Stony Brook University who are enrolled in the Hellenic Studies Program.
Donations were made for the victims of the terrible fires in California. Lastly, the Chapter sponsored its 3rd Annual Fishing trip in late September which brought good fellowship & a huge catch of fish for all the members & friends that participated.
AHEPA 319 is dedicated to promoting the Greek Language, culture, traditions, philanthropy & the precious Greek Orthodox Faith to all members and families throughout the community of Port Jefferson and beyond.