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Greek CommunityPoughkeepsie Chapter #158 hosts upstate AHEPA Regional Meeting

Poughkeepsie Chapter #158 hosts upstate AHEPA Regional Meeting

Hellenic News
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[Poughkeepsie, NY] — An AHEPA District 6 regional meeting was held at Poughkeepsie Chapter #158 on September 22, 2018. Four chapters were represented and included Poughkeepsie, Middletown, Albany and Newburgh. Each chapter reported on their activities, discussed fundraisers and shared activities that have been successful. A very productive and informative discussion was held to share ideas and to get insight into each chapter’s challenges and successes. AHEPA District 6 Secretary Chris Pappis was in attendance. A luncheon was provided by host chapter Poughkeepsie.

AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) is the largest Greek-American association in the world with chapters in the United States, Canada, Greece, Cyprus, and sister chapters in Australia and New Zealand. It was established in 1922 by visionary Greek Americans to protect Hellenes from prejudice originating from the KKK, and in its history, AHEPA joined with the NAACP and B’nai B’rith International to fight discrimination. The mission of the AHEPA Family is to promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.


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Front Row L-R: George Pappis, Albany, John Hallas, Poughkeepsie, George Roussos, Poughkeepsie, Chris Pappis, District 6 Secretary, Albany, Tony Zagoreos, Poughkeepsie, Peter Argos, Poughkeepsie, Peter Anagnos, Poughkeepsie

Back Row L-R: Peter Sackaris, Middletown, Dino Orfanos, Middletown, Allen Delmar, Poughkeepsie, Nick Chicorikas, Poughkeepsie, Chris Pavlidis, President, Middletown, Tony Vikos, Middletown, Tom Papadopoulos, Middletown, John Pavlos, Poughkeepsie, Zeke Mavodones, Poughkeepsie, Stephen J. Miller, President, Poughkeepsie

The copyrights for these articles are owned by the Hellenic News of America. They may not be redistributed without the permission of the owner. The opinions expressed by our authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hellenic News of America and its representatives.

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