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GreeceCultureRBG's memoir in Greek presented at event attended by Greek president

RBG’s memoir in Greek presented at event attended by Greek president

Hellenic News of America
Hellenic News of America
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The Greek translation of the late Supreme Court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg (“RBG”, 1933-2020), “My own words” (2016) was presented on Wednesday, in the presence of Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou, who wrote the introduction.

The book is published by the Aθens Bookstore publications (“Dika mou logia” in Greek) and was presented at the library of the Journalists’ Union of Athens Newspapers (ESIEA). Speakers included lawyer, professor and former deputy premier Evangelos Venizelos, ESIEA President Maria Antoniadou, cofounder of Women Act May Zanni, and lawyer Antypas Karipoglou. The event was coordinated by journalists Katerina Panagopoulou.

In the introduction to the book, President Sakellaropoulou has written that “Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been one of my strongest models during my career in justice. Today, as president of Greece, I continue to be inspired by her unshakeable commitment to institutions and rules, her faith in dialogue, her respect for opinions differing from hers, and her continuing efforts to seek fruitful convergences.”


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