Saturday, August 31, 2024

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greek church in america

Οι Πόντιοι ετοιμάζονται να γιορτάσουν πάλι την Παναγία Σουμελά στο Γουέστ Μίλφορντ 

Ιερό Προσκύνημα Παναγία Σουμελά Αύγουστος 2021 Νέα Υόρκη. Με την σκέψη στραμμένη στις ικεσίες να ανακουφίσει τον πόνο και την θλίψη  σε όλο τον κόσμο με...

Leadership 100’s First Woman Director Looks to Visionaries in the Church

Special to the Hellenic News of America Paulette Poulos has a distinguished record of lifetime service to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese and is considered to...

Greek Archdiocese Launches COVID-19 Parish Recovery Initiative

Many parishes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America have reported declines in weekly giving and stewardship donations due to the lengthy COVID-19 shutdown. ...

Official documents obtained regarding the resolution for the retirement of clergy

The Hellenic News of America obtained the following information for clarity purposes regarding the Resolution Regarding Retirement of Clergy and Term Limits for Laity: ...

Michael Psaros’ Address at the 2018 Clergy Laity Congress

Your Eminences, Your Graces, most Reverend Clergy, brother Archons of the Order of St. Andrew, fellow members of the Archdiocesan Council, and representatives to...

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