greek parade
John Koudounis: A visionary dedicated to Greece’s families and future
By Leslie Krowchenko, Special to the Hellenic News of America
Supporters of Penn State University are said to bleed blue and white in their devotion...
Greek Independence Day Parade Under a Beautiful Blue and White Baltimore Sky
By Joanne Trikoulis, Special to The Hellenic News of America
Photo Credits Konstantinos and Michael Frangos
The color of the Baltimore skies on April 2, 2017 were...
Greek Independence Day Parade in the Heart of Greektown Baltimore
By Joanne Trikoulis
Photo Credits: Georgia Vavas & Aphrodite Kotrotsios
On the beautiful sunny yet windy 3rd day of April, spectators from across the Mid-Atlantic region...
Chios Society of Washington, D.C. Participates in New York Greek Parade
New York, NY on April 10, 2016
Photo Credit: Georgia Vavas, HNA Representative
Paul Kotrotsios to serve as Grand Marshal for Greek Parade
By Markos Papadatos, Senior Editor
Baltimore - Mr. Paul Kotrotsios, the president and founder of the Hermes Expo International, has been chosen as Grand Marshal...
Connecticut’s Greek Independence Day Program for April 1, 2016
FRIDAY, APRIL 1st, 2016
PART I ...
Philadelphia’s Hellenic Community Celebrates Greek Independence Day
Philadelphia, PA- On Sunday, March 22, 2015, Hellenes and Phil-Hellenes gathered to march in the Greek Independence Day Parade on the Ben Franklin Parkway. ...
Philadelphia’s Greek-American Community is Gearing up for its Annual Greek Independence Day Parade
By Aphrodite Kotrotsios
Special to the Hellenic News of America
Philadelphia, PA- Philadelphia’s Greek-American community is gearing up for its annual Greek Independence Day Parade, which...